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Troubleshooting | Water Sensor

Solutions for abnormal water temperature and water level issues in your Hey abby.

Updated over a year ago

If your Hey abby is displaying an abnormally high water temp, or incorrect water level, it may be caused by an issue with the sensors.

Steps of Troubleshooting Your Water Sensor

Here are some simple steps to help diagnose the issue:

  1. Try rebooting your grow box:

    • power the device off via the switch on the back;

    • then unplug it for about 5 minutes before powering it back up.

  2. Make sure the water sensors are clean:

    • not being obstructed, and;

    • properly seated into their designated spot in the reservoir;

  3. Check the water sensors' connection to the other board:

    • Power the unit off via the switch on the back of your Hey abby;

    • Remove the rear vent panel

      hey abby grow box rear board

    • Locate the sensors terminal connectors, and unplug them, then re-plug them in!

      trouble shooting Hey abby water sensor

    • Turn the grow box back on and check the readings.

Maintenance Tips

*It's best to clean the surface of your water level sensor regularly.*

Its long exposure to nutrient-rich water can cause a buildup of dirt film on the surface, impacting the precision of water level readings. That could also potentially affect the air pump's operation and lead to frequent water pump stops.

We recommend wiping off accumulated dirt monthly and performing a thorough cleaning after each growth cycle.

Where to find the water level sensor?

You can find it inside the water tank of your grow box.

water level sensor in hey abby 420 edition's water tank

420 Edition

water level sensor in hey abby OG edition's water tank

OG Edition

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