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How to Germinate a Cannabis Seed with Hey abby
How to Germinate a Cannabis Seed with Hey abby

Learn how to successfully germinate & sprout seeds

Updated over 2 months ago

For a successful germination process, start by selecting high-quality feminized seeds from reputable seed banks. Below is the most trusted seed bank that has been endorsed by countless Hey abby growers for its reliability.

1. Germination

Germination usually takes 7~10 days.

Before starting the germination, make sure you have these tools ready.

* The [organic grow block] and [foam cube] are both grow medium which serve the same purpose—use whichever you have on hand.




Seed Cup


Plant Basket


*Organic Grow Block

upgraded grow medium for easier germination

included in the Seed Kit Gen2

*Foam Cube

original grow medium

DAY 1:

  • Fill the seed cup 3/4 of the way with purified water.

  • Place the seed in the cup of water.

  • Poke and stir the seed around in the water to start the germination process.

  • Keep the cup in a warm & dark place.

🌟 Extra Tips for GERMINATION:

You can add 2 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to your soaking water. (It helps keep the water oxygenated and accelerate the gemination process while keeping the exposed taproot healthy.)

DAY 2:

Check on the seed in 24 hours.

The seed should start to crack open, or produce a taproot (as the image below).


💡 If there are no signs of a taproot:

  • Change the water in the cup.

  • Place the seed in the cup of fresh water.

  • Poke and stir the seed around in the water to restart the germination process.

  • Keep the cup in a warm & dark place and let the seed soak for another 24 hours.

Q: What if there's still no taproot after 48 hours?

A: Try the paper towel technique.

  • Soak paper towel with water (optional peroxide helps);

  • Place seed in the center of the wet paper towel;

  • Fold one side of the paper towel over the seed;

  • Fold the other side to the underside of the seed;

  • Gently squeeze out excess water (the paper towel should be wet, but not dripping when held up);

  • Put the folded paper towel into a ziplock bag;

  • Store the ziplock bag in a warm, dark setting;

  • Let the seed sit in the bag for 3-4 days, checking daily for progress.

⚠️ If no taproot appears, the seed is not viable.

2. Sprouting

Once your seed has produced a taproot, congrats—you’ve successfully germinated!

Now you need to transfer the seed from the seed cup to the plant basket to make it sprout and develop the root system.

- If you're using the Organic Grow Block

  • Pre-soaking: Soak the block in purified water until it stops bubbling—this means it's fully saturated.

  • Plant the seed into the block's hole, with the taproot side down. Try not to damage the taproot. The seed should be planted below the top surface of the block.

  • Place the grow block into the plant basket.

  • Insert the plant basket into the seed cup.

  • Pour some of the purified water over the top of the block, making sure the seed doesn’t float away.

  • Put the seed cup into the box.

- If you're using the Foam Cube

  • Pre-soak the cube.

  • Plant the seed into the foam, with the taproot side down. Try not to damage the taproot. The seed should be planted below the top surface of the cube.

  • Place the cube into the plant basket.

  • Add another inch of tap water to the plant basket. (make sure the water level does not exceed the height of the cube.)

  • Insert the plant basket into the seed cup.

  • Put the seed cup into the box.

🌟 Extra Tips for SPROUTING:

  1. Pinch off a small piece of one of the bottom corners of the cube, and place it over the seed if the seed is visible.

  2. Cover the seed cup with a clear plastic cup, glass or film. This works as a dome and helps create a humid environment to aid in quicker sprouting.

3. Watering

  • Take the basket out of the seed cup.

  • Dip the basket into a glass of water, so that the seed block/cube is almost fully submerged.

  • Leave the basket in the water until the cube/block stops bubbling and absorbing water.

  • Place the block/cube into the plant basket.

  • Place the basket into the seed cup.

  • Put the seed cup back in the box.

  • Check on the block/cube daily for watering; if it feels noticeably wet, skip watering that day.

Once the seedling has two sets of leaves and the roots start to stretch out of the bottom of the cup, you can tell that she is ready to be transplanted and be moved into the next growth stage.

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